Start Project

Last updated on 2021-06-04 11:07:96

Ant Design Pro 以 umi 作为脚手架,启动和开发与 umi 基本相同。

start your build

Execute npm run start under the project root to start the project.


Visit the following interface at http://localhost:8000/.


Because user permissions are used by default, you can use admin to sign in to see all pages.

Differentiate environment

For more information, see environment variables


In many cases, the front end is really developed before it's completed, and we need to use mock data. Two ways of defining mocks are agreed in Pro.

  • Access in the mock of the root
  • Configured in the file of mock.ts in src/page

A standard mock consists of three parts, for example, a List configuration.

export default {
  'GET /api/rule': [{ name: '12' }],
  'POST /api/rule': (req: Request, res: Response, u: string) => {
      success: true,

The first part is the Method configuration of the network request, the full list can be seen here. Generally we use GET and POST.

The second part is the URL, which is the address where we initiate the network request. Generally we will use a uniform prefix to facilitate the use of agents.

The third part is data processing, we can configure a JSON, JSON data will be returned directly. Or configure a function with three parameters req, res,url. Use it in the same way as express. The data must be returned by res.send.